If a doctor gives you a pill that will chemically alter your body you willingly take it in hopes to feel better. If a nutritionist tells you the eat all natural fruits and vegetables you think they are crazy and continue your diet of sickness. Doctors once abided by the Hippocratic Oath, the man who created this oath also said, "let food be thy medicine."
Money changes everything...
Go out and feed the evil machine. Later you will complain about why you are in debt, stressed, and the economy is going down hill. Nothing is made in america any longer and the company that sells the most chinese garbage was founded by a man who strived to sell only made in usa products.
How can vegans rally for more food options when kids are dying from police violence? How can vegans have cupcake sales when kids are dying of starvation in less than a 20 mile radius of the cupcake sale?
Violence is violence; we must work to end it. Not cover it with artificially sweetened icing.
If you believe people different from you are being killed due to the fact that you and your race perceive them as ignorant for the way they act then you are telling me you are prejudice. If you think for one second that you can judge a person's intellect by their clothes, their attitude, their actions, then you are truly a fool.
To take this prejudice that people of color are lesser than pale people as the reason they are being shot and murdered by police is pure ignorance. Most of these people being shot are not given a second to react, not given a second to even speak, they are being approached and killed.
If a person dresses, speaks, appears different than you, that does not make them a different class or lesser nor greater than anyone else.
As we celebrate the birth of genocide as we know it from our modern history, let us think of what this country was founded on.
A man born in Italy could not obtain the support of his own country to explore new trade routes. This leads me to two questions. One; why did his own country not want to support him. Two; his travels were supported for trade routes due to growing imperialism. So this countries first initiation into white history is based on capitalism and imperialism by a man not supported by his own country. Not going so could so far.
Although deniers will dispute this, Leif Ericson was the first of the white race to land here. Why is Leif buried in the history annals and not taught in school? Maybe because he didn't set out to find this place for money, maybe he didn't kill enough people, maybe he didn't do it in the name of the all corrupt church. To think a Norse viking didn't kill enough people...
Columbus also used christianity as the reason for his travels. So money and god went hand in hand even back then. Why is our history taught based on what europeans have written and not based on the stories of other cultures? Why are these other cultures quelled and culled from the planet as if a plague? Could it be these other cultures rather Kenyan or Iroquois have lived in harmony with nature and never against it?
The truth will always create staunch enemies. The truth will get you into places you may not want to be. The truth will give you the strongest friends. The truth will give you reason to thank those friends for getting you to where you are today. Thanks to all those who helped me along the way, thanks to all those I have been fortunate enough to meet. Thanks to those who helped me help others. Thanks to those who came and went. Thanks to my adversaries.
Stretch Arm Strong "Outside Looking In" from Rituals of Life
As society sinks into it's self created abyss I have refrained from reading or watching the news. I try to spend my time learning more about woodworking, architecture, and random nits of pop culture. Unfortunately death by police has crept into our pop culture and reading about another black man killed by a white cop can not be avoided.
I could go into how my disdain for law enforcement manifested as a teenager, but it is a moot point considering some people are born with this lack of respect based on their complexion. As I have said before this problem is based on white males fearing males of color for so many stupid unsubstantiatable reasons. Psychology, prejudice, media, culture, and a long list of ignorant reasons go into play when an officer grape his gun to kill (not injure or subdue) a male of color; and does not react the same when confronting a white male. These ignorant reasons MUST be addressed and corrected. All public servants from police to president must take fear out of the equation and stand up to be the public's protector they chose to become.
Adbusters created this buy nothing day idea and it caught on... Well it caught on to the people who would normally not buy anything anyway.
So rather than just buying nothing on black Friday, why not buy nothing on Thanksgiving day itself. So many people have to work on days that others have off, why not give them and yourself a break.
A contractor is not a woodworker, a painter is not a finisher, flat and level are not the same thing. Along the same vein, driving on I440 does not make you a NASCAR driver.
Comedy is nothing more than talking about what everyone thinks only happens to them and they don't want to tell anyone about. This makes comedy the same as psychology, but more fun.
Don't be a pussy, be able to operate efficiently on a roof
Lift heavy shit all day and ask for seconds not bitch like a school girl
If you're a lazy pussy then don't respond
If you want to earn money by being a bad mother fucker on the job site the send me your info; name, age, highest you have worked on a roof, finally are you tied to a hot young thing or can you travel and earn money as a home builder not a fucking repairman
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers
Go to an independent (mom and pop) business and ask the owner(s); "What will you take for currency if our monetary system collapses?" Try this with your doctor, veterinarian, farmer's market.
Share your answers!
Unilever is suing Hampton Creek over it's Just Mayo as deceptive due to containing no eggs! This may appear as a bad situation for Hampton Creek, but it is a positive for plant based foods. Unilever is showing it's greed by filing this lawsuit and demonstrating that plant based foods are hurting the corporate food giants.
These are the spoils of automation. Half of this field was harvest by tractor, the other half by hand; yet the waste is equal on both parts. Many of us went out after the harvest to find our own free food.
Why are corn chips so big? If you put the whole thing in your mouth it cuts the inside of your mouth. If you bite a piece off the entire thing crumbles down your shirt. Product design needs to accept reality.
I can show you what hell looks like. I can describe a smell so bad you taste it. I can tell you of sights that make your eyes burn.
We do not own anything. Nothing can be possessed that can be taken away. Nothing can be possessed that can pursue another path.
Sixty five animals to 2 acres of land is hoarding. No matter how well they are tended to and cared for, it is hoarding plain and simple. Animals are not ours for profit (or the benefit of a non-profit). Animals are not ours for our ego. Animals are not ours.
Since April 9th 2014 I have sent out 376 resumes via email. I have gone to many businesses in person, not all taking my resume but 54 did take my resume. I have gone on 4 interviews in that time and only one hired me. After 9 weeks working for that one he stopped paying me therefor I stopped working. Strictly the facts.
I must be terrible at what I do.
In 2000 I made $750 a week, take home. Today in 2014 I make 0. When I did work last I made $200 a week.
I think the economy is tanking folks.